
Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance, driven by Google, and different organisations. This instructional exercise will show you fundamental Android programming and will likewise take you through some propel ideas identified with Android application improvement.

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About Android Training

Android is an open source and Linux-based working framework for cell phones, for example, cell phones and tablet PCs. Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance, driven by Google, and different organizations. This instructional exercise will show you fundamental Android programming and will likewise take you through some propel ideas identified with Android application improvement.

Android Courses at DLK

Android is an open source and Linux-based working framework for cell phones, for example, cell phones and tablet PCs. Android was created by the Open Handset Alliance, driven by Google, and different organisations. This instructional exercise will show you fundamental Android programming and will likewise take you through some propel ideas identified with Android application improvement. Android software development is the process by which applications are created for devices running the Android operating system. Android aims to master and understand the language with skills necessary to develop maintainable mobile continuing apps. 

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Course Highlights and Why Android in Chennai at DLK?


  • Android Overview?
  • History of Android
  • What is API level
  • Setup Eclipse, Hello Android example, Internal Details
  • Dalvik VM, Software Stack, Android Core Building Blocks
  • Android Emulator, AndroidManifest.xml, R.java file, Hide Title Bar, Screen Orientation
  • Working with Button, Toast, Custom Toast, RatingBar
  • Button, Toggle Button, Switch Button, AutoCompleteTextView
  • Image Button, CheckBox, AlertDialog, Spinner
  • DatePicker, TimePicker, ProgressBar, Quick Contact Budge
  • Working with hardware Button
  • File Download
  • Fragment Lifecycle, Fragment Example, Dynamic Fragment
  • Activity Lifecycle, Activity Example, Implicit Intent, Explicit Intent
  • Android Menu
  • Options Menu, Context Menu, Popup Menu
  • Relative Layout, Linear Layout
  • Grid Layout, Table Layout
  • Array Adaptor, ArrayList Adaptor, Base Adaptor & Jsp:getProperty
  • GridView
  • WebView
  • ScrollView, SearchView
  • TabHost
  • Dynamic List View
  • Expanded List View

Android Certification Training in Chennai

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